Thursday, January 21, 2010

YouTube - OY6A CQWW CW Contest 2009

OY6A in CQWW CW contest 2009 as multi/single Operating from OY6FRA club station. Operators are OY2J & OY3AA

What a bird problem!

Tony's 10 Metre Band Report - 20 January, 2010 | Southgate Amateur Radio News:

Image: Tony Dixon G4CJC
Tony Dixon G4CJC
What an odd week! Monday and Tuesday were
so-so with OY6FRA (Faroe Islands) and OY1CT making a real splash on Tuesday. The rest of the week was almost none existent. There were a few HGs on Saturday and Sunday, well it was their contest after all.

Just look at the OY6FRA antennas.

What a bird problem!