Photo: 20m tower at the club. The tower is gamma feeded for 80 & 160m, and in top of the tower there is a 5el 10m yagi.
This year I did particepate again in the WPX RTTY Contest.
On Friday I decided to go and check the antenna for 80m, and allso to tune the tower to the RTTY band.
Conditions where not good, as bouth A & K indeks where high.
All week berfore the contest I have been hearing NA stations at home with my SteppIR antenna, but on Friday the conditions did change :-(
And during the contest I did only work two NA stations, very few DX stations including one VK so moust of the QSO's where in Europe.
So here is my clamed score:
Operating Time (hrs): 27
Total: QSOs 732 Pts 2974
Prefixes = 380 Total Score = 1,130,120