Did receive GD0TEP off the moon tonight on 4 meter.
Andy, GD0TEP was using 2x8 element long boom yagi, and my antenna is only a 4 element Quad.
The beam heading here is not good as I was beaming over my roof who is made of metal, and the hight of my antenna is only about 2m over the roof.
So this is not any good for ground gain.
This is my very fyrst reception on 4 meter from the moon, and maybe allso one off the first ever on this band except from some echo tests that some stations have done.
The wav recording can be downloaded
hereOpen the file in WSJT to se the decode.
Allready back in January 2006 GD0TEP and GD4GNH did make some echo test off the moon on 70MHz.
Read about the test